020 8746 2121 - Open 24 hours!
How much do you charge?
Prices depend on the equipment, which in turn depends on the size of venue and type of event, but as an example, a small Mackie PA with Subwoofer for a DJ setup for 50-100 people would cost £117.50 (inc VAT). Or a Turbosound / Mackie PA for a band with monitors, DI boxes, microphones, mixer etc - delivered collected and installed into Central London would cost around £540 (inc VAT).

Do you do discount for longer hire periods?
We operate a maximum four day charge for a week’s use, and a maximum 12 day charge for a month’s use. We are happy to negotiate for longer periods of hire.

Do you deliver?
We have our own fleet of vans that cover the London M25 area, and we use couriers for the rest of the UK and Europe. We make a charge for delivery and collection.

Can I collect and return the equipment to you?
We are open 24 hours a day. Just let us know what times are convenient for you.

Can I rent the same day?
Many of our jobs are for the same day; but advance booking will ensure the equipment is available…

Do you set up the equipment?
Our PA systems are often easy to setup - and this "dry-hire" option helps keeps costs low for our clients. However we are happy to provide installation and engineering if required.

What if I have problems with the equipment?
We are open 24hr for any technical problems. Call us first and we will endeavour to either solve the problem or replace the equipment.

I’m a new customer, what do I need to provide?
We ask new customers to verify their identity and leave a deposit.

I’m not sure what equipment I need?
Phone one of our staff who will be happy to talk through the various options.

How can I pay?
We accept all debit/credit cards, cheques, bank transfers and cash. We offer credit account facilities for regular hirers.

What about insurance?
Whilst the equipment is in your possession, you are responsible for looking after and insuring the equipment.
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DPA 4099 Clip Mic

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Allan & Heath Xone:92

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LD Systems MAUI 28

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